How to pay with Bitcoin

Bitcoins payments are are the most discreet payment methods. It is the best to use in buying marijuana online as it ensures anonymity and discretion. Don’t summit an order when you are not ready with payment.

How to Buy Bitcoin

In order to make payments with Bitcoins you must have it available in your wallet, if not then you have to see into buying bitcoins first. Buying Bitcoin might be a little tricky for the first time. If you don’t have time in learning about bitcoin, use other payment methods.


How to make Payments with Bitcoin

When you have Bitcoins in your wallet, you can then use it to make your payment on weedhorizone.

1. Choose Your Product

Choose the product you want to buy, add to cart and then proceed to checkout.

On the checkout page, select bitcoin as payment option and click on place order.

2. Bitcoin Payment Page

When you click on place order, you will be directed to the bitcoin payment page.

On the bitcoin payment page, you will see the Bitcoin Address to use in making the payment as well as the amount to be paid in Bitcoins.

3. Making The Payment

Open your Bitcoin wallet and click on the send button.

Copy both the Bitcoin address and payment amount on the payment page and past it in your wallet. Click send and its done.